In Cid Transports we made the transport of full loads of cooled and ultracongealed merchandise, by all the national territory and countries of the European Community.

We have weekly lines of grupaje of composite charge towards the north of Italy, north of France, Belgium and England.

Our trucks travel regularly by the North zone, center and the south of Portugal, by the center of Spain, the Valencian community, Country Vasco and Catalonia.

Grupo Norfrio
C O O L E D   T R A N S P O R T S   -   I N T E R N A C I O N A L   G R O U P
Eidos - Atios, 41 - 36418 - Porriño (Pontevedra) - España - Telf. 986330293 - Fax. 986338323
S P A I N  -  P O R T U G A L  -   U N I T E D  K I G D O M  -  I T A L Y   -  F R A N C E  -  B E N E L U X   -  S L O V E N I A  -   G E R M A N Y
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